A Westerner Reveal Subtle and Coercive Mind Control in Falun Gong

Editor's Note: The writer does not agree with the author's criticism of China's policy to ban Falun Gong. There are more stories of salvation rather than persecution, saving millions of Falun Gong practitioners from Li Hongzhi's mental manipulation. Falun Gong practitioners who were sentenced there were not innocent, at least not in recent years, as they had committed illegal acts (such as spreading the Falun Gong cult and harming others), and it was not merely because of their belief in Falun Gong. Additionally, it needs to be clarified that China did not have 70 million Falun Gong practitioners. In 1999, there were approximately 2-2.5 million practitioners. By 2024, there may be fewer than 50,000 practitioners in China.

This article comes from Reddit, authored by u/ofirskifirski. If there are any copyright issues, please contact the blogger. 


well i'm an ex falun gong cult member. so i consider myself biased too, but also quite woke :)

sending forward righeous thoughts - a chanting meditation to dissolve the evil of the ccp in other dimentions is done at least 4 times a day at 1 am and 7 am. it destroyed my sleep for so many years. almost all falun gong folks are in some kind of sleep deprevation.

you are also demanded to clarify the truth - aka give the falun gong story so that people will think that it's good and the ccp is bad so that they will be saved from total annahilation in every free time you have - after work, your social life and your scripture indoctrination and exercise, and that easily goes into mad after hours for most practitioners. "it's a personal understanding" my ass. that's a very subtle mind control that all devout followers go through. and since the demends are so high and the guilt is even higher (leaving the cult or not seriously devoting all of you to the mission means you don't do your historical mission to save the worlds people and that will send you to the "gate of no life" where your soul will be tormented forever until it will be destroyed. hmm, after gradually discovering this part of the teaching and accepting it, let's see if you can come and go as you wish)

most of the work for ET and FG are voluntary, but the involvment in them is mandatory in the post persecution FG dogma. the practitioners that are not martyring themselves for the cause are the worst in Li's doctrine, and they will, once again, meet eternal doom. so yeah, people in falun gong media were not payed for years, and that's forced labor.

oh and there's the "we're not falun gong affiliated media" part that went for so many years with all of the FLG media. so "Truthfullness" based. wow. the excuse is that ordinary people that will hear the high truths AKA hard to swallow crazy narratives that take some time to self indoctrinate to is pathetic here too.

as a person from a polish origin, i'm amazed of the levels of subtle passive agressiveness that the chinese have achived in this cult, and I take my hat of. Guilt mind control never got into such heights. the condition in mainland china is really unique, li is an amazing example. It took me years to stand and open up what i went through in the organization, only because the "what if" syndrome. If i'm mistaken, and all what that i belived is true, than exposing it will mean eternal suffering and an annihalation of my eternal soul. to risk the chance that maybe Li is right and i'm deluded and will regret it horribly in the aftermath led me and probobly 99% of ex-practitioners to be silent drowned in fear for the longest time. and than copy paste your "we can come and go as we leave". the scare tactics are so strong and subtle that for the little doubt in speaking about what's inside, you'll remain quiet and for years.

so yeah, FG devoties work for the FG propaganda projects for free in their after hours (nodays after the fake profile scam and the huge trump campaign the newspaper is richer, so I guess that some do get a minimum salary, but they weren't payed for years, so did shen yun preformers), they slowly loose contact with their friends because of the double life they live and the lack of time they have. they break their night sleep, or they don't and feel guilty about it. they feel guilty about a lot of the time, because of the immense power of guilt that the doctrine applies. they hide a lot of information about their organisation and the life they live from the outside world. they are demanded from Lito be martyrs, that in CCP china (a horrible regime, that i wish that will perish from the earth and leave FG culties to find their freedom or not) means prison, torture, and sometimes death.

and let's not forget the fact the magical cirle of medical treatment. Li says that his bodies in other dimentions will heal FG followers. that magical thinking + the new meaning in life that Followers get is really effecting some peoples health, sometimes miraclously. unfortunatly for most it dosen't, and some folks that naturaly get ill, are meeting the death trap of the doctrine: If you're a true practitioner, Li can heal you. if you'll go to the doctor, it will not help you, and you will fail the test to belive in master. failing might make your karma illness a real ilness, so you should really belive more and see what attachment you need to let go that caused the illness. these poor souls are getting more and more devoted, and are looked by other practitioners as not devout enough or with hidden attachments that the eye cannot see, hence the illness. they refuse to take medical care, and find their death in horrible suffering, as Li's most devout practitioners. the face of falun gong will say "devoties are allowed take medical care when they need too", but the passive aggresive trap takes so many lives. if 70 Million practiced in 99, i guess there are a few dosens of johnstown combined there. every practitioner will stumble upon this cases, and will do the "no true scotsman" magic on the poor sick practitioners.

I can't wait that you will label me a ccp spy. unfortunately i'm not, years after leaving fg i'm still recovering from the damage the doctrine brought into my life. I'm just here to clarify the truth (hehe) of the shadow organization that misled me, making sure it will not be so much in the shadows as li and his followers would like to.

and yeah there are no capital letters in this comment and some typos. I'm not a native english speaker but i'm sure that you got my message.


Answer from a FLG practitioner.




I'm not going to label you as anything. Your experiences have been different from mine and so I won't judge you for that.

I don't feel pressured into doing anything I don't want to. I live a normal life and clarify the truth and do Dafa related things when I have time.

If you were only participating in Dafa related things out of some sense of guilt or worry about the consequences of not doing so, then I can understand why you felt miserable.



That's nice of you, for real. I'm happy for you that you can be emphatic and not just go to the standard accusations that are more common in the organision (except the classic "It's just your experience" that i'll break down here)

When I was immersed in the practice, I felt really happy for doing what I was doing, and I was sure I'm helping the creator of the universe to save the beings to the new cosmos by spreading propaganda aka clarifying the truth. guilt came from the community and from the scriptures years later. the pressure started from the group that I would participate more and more, and it was backed up by all the scriptured i read. the pressure came from the Dafa association, that came from new york with new guidelines. Here you can say that In the scriptures themselves it's written against following orders that are not scriptures, but that's exactly a part of the deluding magic of Li. One hand demands you not to gossip, and the other gives orders from above. they move from "new york" to the local Dafa projects, and you have to obey. Falun gongs media and followers always deny it, and that's why I would happily quote Li's 2010 scripture"be more deligent" 'wink wink' :

So, I want to tell you that from this day forth, the main coordinator for each project — the one principal coordinator — is that project’s representative. This holds true for the main coordinator of each region’s Dafa Association as well. He or she is its representative. Whatever it may be that the coordinator does, requires of you, or decides — carry it out unconditionally. (Enthusiastic applause) Starting today.

And that comes from the creator of the cosmos, not less. Let's see you not obeying. Leave than, if you wish. Disintegration of your soul awaits. Andddd your free will is out of the window, again. You're selling the image of free will on the outside (and ofcourse to yourself) but you're indoctrinating yourself with this stuff and living these double standards.

The pressure was stacking more and more, and the enviroment was more and more demanding. As a practitioner you are sopposed to take responsability on yourself and not to take others for example, but that's another way to push the responsibility on the beliver. I was recruited when I was nineteen, and when the dafa association tells you that you have to do more, you'll be influenced from the poisonous atmosphere. denying it is to deny how human work

The Epoch Times is a mad workplace, and folks are working for crazy hours and without pay most of the time. It also constantly denied FLG involvment in it, and Li's power on it. Before they edited the 2007 australian fa confrence, Li fired a group of reporters in a blink of an eye. If that's not exposing FLG media's lie, and it's just the way you lower the higher truths to "ordinary people" than you're just lying to yourselves. and if the fact that FLG media were not identifying with falun gong was not an "order from above" than what is.

since you're not allowed to spread rumors, the "orders from new york" become an invisible tool, because they came from a meeting with Li. Li brings his demands, give you the look (he loves to give the look) and say that you have to be more deligent, that it's not enough, that it wouldn't last more than ten years almost 20 years ago, and the only reason it goes on is that you're not doing a good enough job (oops), that If you were more deligent the persecution would end long ago ect ect (if that's not guilting what is? Ofcoure, he's just worried for the lives of the beings in the cosmos).

this drove everyone more frantick than ever. It's not a local thing, or a pesonal thing It's a worldwide situation and it's rooted in the teaching. ofcourse that you can't see it from the inside. I couldn't. that's a part of the mechanism.

I would say that 90 percent of the people that are devoted to falun gong are paying with their sleep, gradually Devote time to Dafa more than to life persuits family and friends since the demands are so time consuming. they forsake hobbies, sports and other life persuits that are "not pure enough" or that are just not as important as spreading propaganda to save the beings of the universe. they almost always merry other devoties to avoid conflict with the double life you need to live with a non practitioner, and so on.

"It's just my Personal understanding and experience" you've just used here is one of the main tools FLG use to devide and push the responsibility to the follower or leaver from the leader (that cannot be wrong, well, since he's the creator of the cosmos. BTW Li, Just like his story about the gods from the old cosmos, cannot see what's higher than him, and Is sure that he is the creator of the universe. can you see the loophole? ;) ) .

Oh and about free-will and not getting involved in politics BUT(just like Li said, if a cultivation practice gets involved in politics it will become a bad way forgranted) i'll quote the editorial that comes from the above from you know who and you have to obey :

This U.S. election is a battle between good and evil, a battle between gods and demons. Trump is the man chosen by the divine to return to tradition and disintegrate the Chinese Communist Party (CCP); the other side aims to destroy tradition and build the CCP’s socialism in the United States and even the world. As cultivators, although we do not participate in ordinary people's politics, we need to know what is righteous and wicked, distinguish good from evil, and know who we should support.

It was edited to be more misterious but i'll not forget the last word in brackets that was magically removed : (Trump) <3

It's the double life that I had to live were what that killed me, and slowly made staying more painful than leaving. the fact that I have the face for society and a different face for practitioners. the fact that i actually abandoned the things that are dear to me with encouradgent from the group and the dafa organization that I have to obey (and to follow my standards at the same time). the fact that there were contradictions I had to turn a blind eye too in the name of faith. Fortunately, My authentic self Is a wild one, and would not give in for the cult manipulation so long. I broke free from the cage of my cult self and the fact that I boldly expose what falun gong is trying to hide is a way to give hope to people that recovery is possible. since i'm already condemned by li to complete disintegration of my eterenal soul, I might just show what it's really to be inside.

I really hope for you to be happy while in FLG, and to keep great connections with your family and friends, keep connection with your hobbies and to experience the benefits from meditation and from the bahkti yoga you're practicing. If one day you'll find yourself out of the organisation, I hope that you'll keep the good and discard the bad, and will live a fulfiling life free from fear of all the horrible things li says that will happen to you, and than discover that taking a step back from your reality loop will expose that the sky are big and wide. after you're going through these shady trees, you'll find beautiful trees and another village ahead (FLG quote flips for the outsider eye) . Even Li said that your soul cannot be destroyed before 99. I hope that our authentic, organic self wil preveil and will lead your way, inside or outside FLG.


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